
Reflection of “The Missing Piece Meets the Big O”

The book is called "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" and was written by Shel Silverstein. The story talks about a missing piece that has angles so that it can not roll. It wants to find someone to fit in to help it to roll. At first it can't find anyone, the ones it find and try to fit are all failed because they can't make a shape of a circle. Then one day the missing piece meet someone can fit in. But unfortunately, the missing piece grows up. It is too big to fit in. So the missing piece left it. And it still to find until it meet the big O. Although the big O can't fit in, the big O told it why doesn't it try to roll by itself? After hearing that, the miss piece tries to roll by itself. Finally the angles disappeared, it becomes the same to the big O and it can roll by itself.

After reading this story, I thought it wants to tell us never look down on ourselves. Sometimes we may meet some difficulties. Most of us would hope others come to help us. As a matter of fact we can think ways to solve the problems by ourselves. We all have much potential but just we don't know as the missing piece. So never give up and not accustomed to call for help. We can achieve things only by ourselves.

1 則留言:

Emma 提到...

Hey, Gina:
I am Emma. I read your articles before and I think they all very interesting. Keep going to do the good job! The option of “The missing piece meets the big o” is different from mine. You are talking about independence and I am talking about friendship.

Your article is not bad but there are some problems in it. I suggest that you should talk more reflection to the story of yourself. I think it is not enough to let other to know what you think. And then I find some mistakes in your article. For example, in line 7 “left” should be leaves. And pay an attention to the tense.

Even thought you make a few mistake, you still do your best. Keep trying.